- Numerical modeling of a moderate hydrogen leakage in a typical two-vented fuel cell configuration
- Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers – a technology to overcome common risks of hydrogen storage
- Monte-carlo-analysis of minimum burst requirements for composite cylinders for hydrogen service
- Flame characteristics of ignited pressurized cryogenic hydrogen jets
- Numerical simulations of atmospheric dispersion of large-scale liquid hydrogen releases
- Effect of state of charge on Type IV hydrogen storage tank rupture in a fire
- Experimental Study and Model Predictions on Helium Release in an Enclosure with Single or Multiple Vents
- Adapting Maintenance Facilities for Hydrogen
- Approaches and methods to demonstrate repurposing of the UK’s Local Transmission System (LTS) pipelines for transportation of hydrogen
- Towards Efficient and Time-Accurate Simulations of Early Stages of Industrial Scale Explosions
- Hydrogen generation on Orkney: integrating established risk management best practice to emerging clean energy developments
- A Catalyst Fusible Link for Hydrogen Detection and Activation of Passive Ventilation Systems
- Experimental study of the explosion severity of vented methane/hydrogen deflagrations
- Stand-off detection and mapping of hydrogen concentration
- Quantitative Risk Analysis of Scaled-up Hydrogen Facilities
- Condensed Phase Explosions involving Hydogen
- Fuel Cell Solution for Marine Applications – product design and safety considerations
- Some fundamental combustion properties of “cryogenic” premixed hydrogen air flames
- Gas Turbine Enclosures: Determining Ventilation Safety Criteria using Hydrogen Explosion Modelling
- Experimental investigation on the burning behavior of homogeneous H2-CO-air mixtures in an obstructed, semi-confined channel
- Hydrogen blowdown release experiments at different temperatures in the DISCHA-facility
- Investigation into the cross-sensitivity of domestic carbon monoxide alarms to hydrogen
- Hydrogen jet structur in presence of forced CO-, counter-and cross-flow ventilation
- Full-scale tunnel experiments for fuel cell hydrogen vehicles: jet fire and explosions
- Full-scale tunnel experiments for fuel cell hydrogen vehicles: gas dispersion
- Development of Liquid Hydrogen Leak Frequencies Using a Bayesian Update Process
- Effect of wind on cryogenic hydrogen dispersion from vent stacks
- An investigation into the change in leakage when switching from natural gas to hydrogen in the UK gas distribution network.
- Analysis to support revised distances between bulk liquid hydrogen systems and exposures
- Hydrogen compatibility of structural materials in natural gas networks
- Shock tube experiments on flame propagation regimes and critical conditions for flame acceleration and detonation transition for hydrogen-air mixtures at cryogenic temperatures
- Fracture Properties of Welded 304L in Hydrogen Environments
- Numerical simulation of leaking hydrogen dispersion behavior
- A Comparative Study of CFD-modelling for Lean Premixed Hydrogen Deflagrations in Large-Scale Vented Vessels
- Modeling of Unintended Hydrogen Releases from a Fuel Cell Tram
- Velocity Measurements of Hydrogen Jets using the Optical Flow Method
- Study on hydrogen releases and delayed ignitions
- Numerical Simulation on Hydrogen Leakage and Dispersion Behavior in Hydrogen Energy Infrastructures
- CFD Simulation of Pressure Reduction Inside Large-Scale Liquefied Hydrogen Tank
- Numerical evaluation of terrain landscape influence on hydrogen explosion consequences
- Numerical Analysis on the Mechanism of Blast Mitigation by Water Droplets
- Numerical Study of Hydrogen Addition Effects on Aluminum Particle Combustion
- A CFD Analysis of Liquid Hydrogen Vessel Explosions Using the ADREA-HF Code
- Effect of mechanical ventilation on accidental hydrogen releases – large scale experiments
- Laminar burning velocity, Markstein length and cellular instability of spherically propagating NH3/H2/air premixed flames at various pressures
- Safety Training Framework
- Quantitative risk assessment of the model representing latest Japanese hydrogen refueling stations
- Siting and co-location with hydrogen: What are the risks?
- CFD simulations of large scale LH2 dispersion in open environment
- Moving Gas Turbine package from conventional gas to hydrogen blend
- Experimental study on the self-ignition of pressurized hydrogen release into three-way tubes
- Hydrogen Sensing Properties of UV Enhanced Pd-SnO2 Nano-spherical Composites at Low Temperature
- Analysis of a Large Hydrogen Balloon Explosion
- Effect of flow speed on ignition characteristics of hydrogen/air mixtures
- Material-based hydrogen storage projection
- Explosive phase transition in LH2
- Effect of TPRD diameter and direction of release on hydrogen dispersion in underground parking
- Baselining the Body of Knowledge for Hydrogen Shock Interactions and Debris Escalation
- Chemical inhibition of premixed hydrogen-air-flames: experimental investigation a using 20-litre vessel
- Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in a channel with triangular obstacles
- Tactical Depressurization of Pressure Vessels Using Projectiles
- Application of Pipeline QRA Methodologies to Hydrogen Pipelines
- Examining the Role of Safety in Communication Concerning Emerging Hydrogen Technologies by Selected Groups of Stakeholders
- Effect of pressure losses on flame length after full bore hydrogen pipeline rupture
- Overview of first outcomes of PNR project HyTunnel-CS
- Risk assessment and mitigation evaluation for hydrogen vehicles in private garages. Experiments and modelling.
- Development of Risk Mitigation Guidance for Sensor Placement Indoors and Outdoors
- Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Laminar Burning Velocities of Methane- Carbon Dioxide- Air Mixtures
- Numerical study of the effects of tunnel inclination and ventilation on the dispersion of hydrogen released from a car
- Numerical Prediction of Lean Premixed Hydrogen Deflagrations in Vented Vessels
- Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Deflagraton using CFD
- Statistics, lessons learnt and recommendations from analysis of HIAD 2.0 database
- Heat transfer models for refueling safety of hydrogen vehicle
- CFD model based ANN prediction of flammable vapor cloud formed by liquid hydrogen spill
- Cold hydrogen blowdown release: an inter-comparison benchmark study
- Ventilated hydrogen dispersion modelling: co-flow and counter flow ventilation efficiency
- The influence of grain boundary and hydrogen on indentation of bi-crystal Nickel
- Results of the Pre-Normative Research Project PRESLHY for the Safe Use of Liquid Hydrogen
- Evidence base utilised to justify a hydrogen blend gas network safety case
- CFD simulations of the refuelling of long horizontal H2 tanks
- On Board 70 MPa Hydrogen Composite Pressure Vessel Safety Factor
- Hydrogen safety strategies and risk management in Equinor
- Influence of non-equilibrium conditions on liquid hydrogen storage tank behavior
- Towards Unified Protocol for PAR Performance Rating and Safety Margins Assessment: PAR Life-cycle Systemic Model
- Combustion Regimes of Hydrogen-Air-Steam Mixtures
- Critical Morphological Phenomena during Ultra-Lean Hydrogen-Air Combustion in Closed Horizontal Hele-Shaw Cell
- Risk Assessment of a Gaseous Hydrogen Fuelling Station
- Preliminary risk assessment (PRA) for tests planned in a pilot salt cavern hydrogen storage in the frame of the French project STOPIL-H2
- Effect of Renewable Energy Unstable Source to HYdrogen Production: Safety Consideration
- Crack Management of Hydrogen Pipelines
- Flame Ball to Deflagration Transition in hydrogen-air mixtures
- Hydrogen Storage: Recent Improvements and Industrial Perspectives
- Spherically Expanding Flame Simulations in Cantera using a Lagrangian Formulation
- Uncertainty of Acceleration of a Premixed Laminar Unstable Hydrogen Flame
- Evaluating the opportunity to repurpose gas transmission assets for hydrogen transportation
- Numerical simulations of suppression effect of water mist on hydrogen deflagration in confined spaces
- Numeric study on shock wave attenuation by water mist in confined spaces
- Investigation on cooling effect of water sprays on tunnel fires of hydrogen
- A Brief History of Process Safety Management
- AMHYCO project – towards advanced accident guidelines for hydrogen safety in nuclear power plants
- Establishing the state of the art for the definition of safety distances for hydrogen refuelling stations
- Safety Compliance Verification of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Exhaust
- Safety and other considerations in the development of a hydrogen fueling protocol for Heavy-Duty Road Vehicles
- Hydrogen Wide Area Monitoring of LH2 Releases at HSE for the PRESHLY Project
- A first principles model for hydrogen detonation diffraction
- The role of Ar and He bath gas on the detonation structure of H2/O2
- H-Mat Hydrogen Compatibility of NBR and HNBR Elastomers
- Hydrogen Component Leak Rate Quantification for System Risk and Reliability Assessment through QRA and PHM Frameworks
- Residual Tensile Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Riesin Composites at Elevated Temperatures
- Temperature Effect on the Mechanical Properties of MaterialsUsed for Type IV Hydrogen Storage Tanks
- Three-dimensional structures of N2-diluted stochiometric H2−O2 flames in narrow channels
- Simulation of turbulent combustion in a small-scale obstructed chamber using flameFoam
- An Experimental Study of Propagating Spherical Flames in Unconfined Hydrogen-Oxygen Explosions
- RANS simulation of hydrogen flame propagation in an acceleration tube: examination of k-ω SST model parameters
- Development of dispensing hardware for safe fueling of heavy duty vehicles
- Protocol for Heavy Duty hydrogen refueling: a modeling benchmark
- Guide to Conformity Assessment and Certification of Hydrogen Systems
- Three-Dimensional Simulations of Lean H2 -Air Flames Propagating in a Narrow Gap: Validity of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Approximation
- Discharge modeling of large scale LH2 experiments with an engineering tool
- Minimum fire size for hydrogen bus storage tank fire test protocol determined via risk-based approach
- The NREL Sensor Laboratory: Status and Future Directions for Hydrogen Detection
- Worst Case Scenario for Delayed Explosion of Hydrogen Jets at a High Pressure: Ignition Position
- Cryogenic and Ambient Gaseous Hydrogen Blowdown with Discharge Line Effects
- Hydrogen stratification in enclosures in dependence of the gas release momentum
- Study of attenuation effect of water droplets on shockwaves from hydrogen explosion
- A chicken and egg situation: Enhancing emergency service workers knowledge of hydrogen
- Exploring the Australian public’s response to hydrogen
- The challenges of Hydrogen Storage on a large scale
- Simulation of hydrogen mixing and PAR operation during accidental release in an LH2 carrier machine room
- Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Italy – Review of Permitting Process and Safety Distances
- Fire spread scenarios involving hydrogen vehicles
- Why Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection?
- Experimental study on flame characteristics of cryogenic-compressed hydrogen jet fire