Topic #1 – Infrastructure Issues
- Storage, distribution and transport
- Impact of venting and flaring
- Hydrogen Blending in existing infrastructure for H2
- Future infrastructure projections and safety implications
- Assessment of H2 losses from H2 infrastructure. (Quantification, Measurement, modeling.
Topic #2 – Safety of Chemical Hydrogen Carriers
- Production at large scale
- Electrolyser Safety
- Purification and Intermediate Storage
- Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Safety
- Safety of coproduction of H2/O2 plants
Topic #3 – Storage Systems Safety
- Pressurised Storage
- Liquid Hydrogen Storage
- Materials-based Storage
- Salt Cavern Storage
- Gas Grid Scale storage
- Chemical carriers (Ammonia, Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs), DME)
- Innovative Storage Concepts
Topic #4 – Hydrogen for Heat
- Hydrogen for Heat Applications including Hydrogen Blends with Neutral Gas
- Distribution Network Safety
- Appliance Development (burners, cookers, boilers)
Topic #5 – Hydrogen Safety Aspects in Industry
- Oil Refineries
- Nuclear Industry
- Chemical and Steel Plants
- Mining Industry (refuelling stations, interface and mining vehicles)
- Semiconductor/Electronic Industries
- Other
Topic #6 – Hydrogen Vehicles (Cars and Buses) and Related Fuelling Infrastructure
- Hydrogen Refuelling Stations
- Indoor/Outdoor Fuelling
- Fuelling Protocols: On-Board Storage upset Conditions: Co-Location with Other Fuels
- Mixed/Blended Fuels of Natural Gas and Hydrogen
- Material Handling and Operations in Warehouses
- Vehicle Operation in Tunnels and Garages
- Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Facilities
Topic #7 – Safety in Emerging Mobility Markets – Infrastructure, Refuelling and Operation
- Heavy-Duty Road Vehicles (buses and trucks)
- Rail (freight and passenger trains)
- Aviation (drones and planes)
- Spacecrafts-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Mobile Refuelling for Drone & Flight Applications
- Maritime (port side, container ships, cruise lines, ferries)
Topic #8 – Safety Issues of Hydrogen Batch Transport & Distribution
- Safety of Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) and Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen (CGH2) Road and Rail Trailers
- Innovative Designs
- Safe Transfer Protocols, Purging etc
- Safety of Ship Transport of Hydrogen, in particular LH2 and related transfer
- Associated Regulation Codes and Standards and Risk Assessment
Topic #9 – Behaviour of Gaseous and Liquid Hydrogen
- Release and Mixing
- Jets (properties, phase changes, impingement, wall attached)
- Ignition and Autoignition
- Combustion
- Fires
- Deflagration, Detonation, and Deflagration to Detonation Transition
- Rapid Phase Transitions (RPTs) and BLEVE
- Blast Waves
- Hydrogen Blends (H2/NG, H2/CH4, H2/NH3, …)
Topic #10 – Physical Effects
- Thermal Effects
- Overpressure Effects
- Structural Response
- Projectile Effects
- Effects on Humans and Environments
- Effect of ventilation and water sprays on mixing and combustion
- Effect of suppressants on ignition, fire and transient combustion
- Spatial congestion and confinement effects on deflagration–detonation transitions
Topic #11 – Hydrogen Effects on Materials and Components
- Metallic and non-Metallic Material Safety
- Embitterment
- Permeation/blistering
- Liquid Hydrogen Storage
- Materials Selection for Specific Environments (e.g. high salinity, desert, cryogenic etc.)
- Materials-based hydrogen systems: storage (metal hydrides/sorption), purification (PSA, membranes), etc.
Topic #12 – Risk Assessment and Safety Management
- Hazards and Vulnerabilities Identification and Analysis
- Development and Use of Specific Accident Databases
- Risk Assessment (cost-benefit analysis, safety perception, acceptance and harm criteria, uncertainties, decision making, risk awareness, risk perception, human factor)
- Risk Management and Safety Culture (including project safety plans for publicly funded R&D and demonstrations)
- Comparative Risk (i.e. hydrogen vs. conventional fuels)
- Inherent Safety (substitution, moderation and simplification)
- Accounting for Prevention and Mitigation (active, passive, sensors, safety distances)
- Safety Solutions and Implementation to Hydrogen Technologies
- Methodology for including physical effects into Risk Assessment
- Mitigation Technology and Safety Equipment
Topic #13 – Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS)
- Aspects of International, National, Regional and Organisation based RCS
- Pre-Normative Research (PNR) (needs, priorities, approaches, incorporation of QRA)
- Experience / Lessons Learned from Bringing PNR Results into Standard Technical Committees
- Post-Normative Experience (case studies)
- Comparison/Compatibility with Other Fuels
- Safety Regulations for Hydrogen Carriers in Regional/International Trade (e.g. maritime, rail, pipelines)
- Permitting of Large-Scale Applications
- Hydrogen Safety in the Lab
- ATEX Directive.
Topic #14 – Education, Training and Communication
- First and Second Responders Training
- Operator Training
- Academic Education
- Best Practice for Application Specific Training (including technician training for gas appliance, stationary facilities and garages maintaining H2 vehicles)
- Stakeholder Communication (policy, financial authorities and communities)
- Public Perception and Acceptance
- Risk Perception and Awareness and Trust
- Safety Databases and Lessons – Learned
- Lessons from Communications about Past and Recent Incidents, Accidents and Near Misses
- Social Media–Winning Hearts & Minds