Hysafe finalizes preparations for ICHS2017

During a meeting in Tirrenia (near Pisa, Italy) on May 29 and 30 the Scientific and the Organzing Committee of the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS) made the final preparations concerning the program of the next conference to be held im September in Hamburg.

The last decisions were made which papers to accept and how to put them into plenary or parallel meetings or poster sessions so that a reasonable program comes out. This is by no means an easy task, but with joint forces it could be done.

It takes a lot of thinking to arrange everything well

The results will be published soon.

On y va! HySafe president Thomas Jordan gives details on the organization of the conference

Other points around the conference like accomodation etc. were clarified as well.

The meeting of the conference committees was followed by one of the HySafe board on May 31 during which the financial situation and the plans of HySafe for the rest of the year (other than ICHS) were discussed.

HySafe treasurer Iñaki Azkarate explains the financial status of HySafe