Beware of fake ICHS!

An international fraudsters group called WASET announces a lot of conferences about more or less every topic you can imagine, plus a few more. Among these are also conferences on hydrogen safety or similar topics. WASET announces an “International Conference on Hydrogen Safety” to be held on January 18 and …

HySafe prepares ICHS 2017

Members of the Board of HySafe and of the Organizing and the Scientific Committee of ICHS 7 (to be held next year in Hamburg) met on April 29 in Hamburg to bring the preparations another step forward. They had a look at the facilities offered by the Hamburg Chamber of …

Press Release: HySafe successfully concludes 4th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety ICHS2011

The 4th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS2011) adjourned in San Francisco (California, USA) on September 15 after three full days of technical sessions. Experts from the Americas, Europe, and Asia exchanged the latest scientific results and other information about safe handling of this energy vector of the near future. …

HySafe Press release: Final preparations completed for International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS)

Brussels, June 14, 2011 – The Scientific Committee of the ICHS has completed the review of submitted papers for the 4th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS). The Conference will be held in San Francisco (California, USA) on September 12-14, 2011 under the auspices of HySafe, the international association for …

“2nd International Conferecne on Hydrogen Safety” IJHE journal special issue

I’m happy to forvard the received mail related the previous ICHS2 conference: Dear Dr. Marco Carcassi It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of “2nd International Conferecne on Hydrogen Safety” special issue for International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. The issue is now available electronically on ScienceDirect at …