Permanent Committees

Prof. Marco Carcassi

Chair of International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Committee


The objective of the Conference Committee is to organize the biennial ICHS conference (International Conference on Hydrogen Safety). The activity is aimed at identifying possible places to hold the conference as well as establishing the scientific and organizational program of the conference. This activity is done in close collaboration with the Board as well as with the members of IaHySafe.

Jay O. Keller

Chair of Research Committee


The Research Chair is responsible for the Research Priorities Workshop, running the ICHS Best Paper Award, participates in the Scientific and Organization Committees of the ICHS committees, finally the Chair represents HySafe on the Center for Hydrogen Safety.

Kieran Lyons

Chair of PR & Knowledge Dissemination Committee


The PR & Knowledge Dissemination Chair is responsible for the IAHySafe website, social media pages and other tools to circulate updates within the IAHySafe community. They are involved in all IAHySafe events such as Research Priorities workshops and ICHS conferences.

Alexei Kotchourko

Chair of H2 Safety Handbook Committee


The objective of the safety handbook committee is to deliver the hydrogen safety handbook though collation of all material for topics covered within the handbook. They are the main contact point for the publisher Elsevier for the handbook.

Prof. Vladimir Molkov

Chair of Education and Training Committee


The Education Chair is responsible for representing academia within IAHySafe ensuring effective engagement between the association and academic institutions. The education chair typically would contribute to the Scientific and Organization Committees for ICHS.

Lee Phillips

Chair of Industrial Relations Committee


The industrial relations chair brings industry perspective to the board and to ensure key industrial issues, challenges, methodologies and solutions are represented at board level maintaining the relevance and applied focus of IAHySafe.