Hydrogen Safety Related
- EC NoE HySafe
- This link refers to the European Network of Excellence HySafe (2004-2009) which represents the precursor to the IA HySafe, the International Association for Hydrogen Safety
- http://www.hysafe.net/wiki/BRHS/BRHS
- This is a HySafe generated “Hydrogen Safety Handbook”, originally denominated “Biennial Report”
- IEA HIA Safety Task 37
The IEA has since many years a task group for hydrogen safety. This group provides a forum for information exchange and project coordination.
- http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/pdf/hydrogen_22002_en.pdf
- This EC publication titles “Introducing Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier” provides an overview on safety, standards, regulation and acceptance related projects. It is dated back to year 2006.
- https://h2tools.org
- This is the entry point to the US Hydrogen Portal. It includes the former lessons learnt and best practices of PNNL, the database of events and since recently an extensive bibliography on hydrogen safety, supported by HySafe via the ICHS contributions.
- http://www.hydrogenandfuelcellsafety.info/
- This is the link to the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Safety Report of the US FCHEA, which has recently changed its design.
- http://www.ca.sandia.gov/matlsTechRef
This is a link to the materials compatibility database of Sandia National Laboratories
Regulation, Codes and Standards
- ISO TC 197
- NASA Hydrogen Safety Standards (cancelled)
- EIGA public documents
- Regulators’ Guide to Permitting Hydrogen Technologies
- FuelCellStandards
- DOE Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program Safety, Codes and Standards
- US DOT Hydrogen Portal
- US Model Code NFPA
- US Hydrogen Industry Panel on Codes HIPOC
- First Regulation, Codes and Standards Workshop of the EU Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform (HFP)
- EC Project HarmonHy
- EC Project HyApproval
- EC Project HyPer
Education and Dissemination
- International Conference on Hydrogen Safety ICHS
- HySafe – e-Academy
- Postgraduate Certificate Course in Hydrogen Safety Engineering
- International Short Courses on the Progress in Hydrogen Safety – Industry Focus
- European Summer School on Hydrogen Safety
- Hydrogen Education Foundation of the US NHA
Hydrogen Sensors
- Element One
- SBUV – Hydrogen fire detectors
- fuelcellsensor
- fluidcomponents
- H2scan – Hydrogen specific sensor techniques