Membership in the IA HySafe is open to anyone, any institution or company respectively, who supports the purposes of the association. The membership fees are listed here.
Members receive without additional charge an access to the internal part of association website, the Hydrogen Safety Information System HySafe-IS (containing databases, reports, references, internal documents of the EC co-funded precursor NoE HySafe, etc…), and the quarterly IA HySafe Newsletter. This means they will be regularly updated with latest information regarding hydrogen safety issues, including events, courses, projects, mishaps, research findings, standards, legislation, risk assessment tools and so on.
Members will get a special area to advertise their services on the IA HySafe website including the opportunity to add themselves to the network capability matrix. As being included in the promotional material of the association, all members profit from an increased public visibility.
Members are entitled for reduced fees for participation in the conference ICHS, benchmarking exercises, educational or training courses or other networking activities. They can purchase printed publications of the association at reduced costs.
As the association plans to partner with other strategically important institutions and associations (like ISO, IAHE, IPHE, IEA, EHA, JTI/N.ERGHY, …) there will be further benefits provided indirectly, for instance from additional information provided by these future partners without having to get involved individually.
However, already now applicants will join the worldwide strongest group in the field of hydrogen safety with more than 20 institutions, qualified as the experts via previous networking and cooperation on an international scale.