ICHS 2019 will start on September, 24-26 2019 – ADELAIDE (AUS)
See you soon!
ICHS 2019 will start on September, 24-26 2019 – ADELAIDE (AUS)
See you soon!
The 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2017) will be held in Hamburg, Germany on September 11-13, 2017 under the auspices of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety HySafe.
The first six conferences in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015 succeeded in attracting experts from all over the world, by providing an open platform for the presentation and discussion of new findings and for sharing information and data on hydrogen safety.
Topics ranged from basic research to applied development and from good practice to standardization and regulatory issues. As commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is imminent and other hydrogen applications are being increasingly deployed globally, ICHS 2017 will focus on safe scaling up as an essential means for real world scale demonstrations and safe market activation.
The conference organizers seek contributions in fields such as hydrogen systems safety, materials safety, physical effects and properties and Risk and safety management.
All contributions to ICHS 2017 will be evaluated exclusively in the light of their scientific content and relevance to hydrogen safety. High impact papers will be selected for publication in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Search for previous ICHS contributions available on https://h2tools.org/ichs