Behaviour of Gaseous and Liquid Hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures
- Release, dispersion
- Ignition and auto-ignition
- Combustion: fire, deflagration, detonation, transitional effects
Physical effects, consequence analysis
- Thermal, overpressure, missile effects
- Effects on humans and environments
- Incidents, accidents and near misses
Hydrogen effects on materials and components
- Embrittlement
- Permeation/blistering
- Liquid Hydrogen compatibility
Risk / safety management
- Hazard identification and analysis
- Risk assessment (cost-benefit analysis, safety perception, acceptance and harm criteria, uncertainties, decision making, human factor)
- Risk-informed safety engineering
- Prevention and Mitigation (active, passive, sensors, safety distances)
- Insurance
- Safety solutions and implementation of H2 technologies
Regulations Codes and Standard (RCS)
- Pre-normative research (needs, approaches, incorporation of QRA)
- Post normative experience (case studies)
- Comparison/compatibility with other fuels
- Safety of Hydrogen carriers in regional/international trade (e.g. shipping, rail, pipelines)
- Permitting of large scale applications
Communication, Education, and training
- Stakeholder Communication (policy, financial and communities)
- Public perception and acceptance
- First and second responders training
- Safety Databases and lessons learnt
- Technician training
Safety in hydrogen infrastructure
- Production
- Storage, distribution and transport (pipelines, gaseous, liquid, other chemical carriers)
- Handling and Use
- Shipping road and rail transport
Power to Hydrogen and Hydrogen to Power related safety issues
- Risk Assessment
- Safety of material
- Normative or Pre-normative
H2 fuelling stations deployment experience
- Safe design
- Indoor/outdoor fuelling
- Permitting
- Mitigation practices
- Co-location with other fuelling option
- Mixed/blended hydrogen fuels (HCNG)
Safety in hydrogen vehicle / station interface
- On-board storage
- Vehicle operation in tunnels and garages
- Material handling and operations in warehouses
Hydrogen Safety aspects in other applications / industries / technologies
- Chemical plants
- Oil refinery
- Space-aircrafts-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones)
- Nuclear
- Defense applications
- Maritime applications e.g boats, submarines
- Mining industry
- Semiconductor/electronic industries, electrical generators, neutron beams and other fundamental experiments
- Residential applications of hydrogen and mixtures
- Heat
Energy storage systems
- Pressurised and Liquid storage
- H2 solid-storage materials
- Grid scale storage