Join the world’s leading hydrogen safety experts for ICHS 2019
24-26 September 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Adelaide, South Australia
Conference fees can be viewed here.
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About ICHS 2019
The 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2019) will be held in Adelaide, Australia on 24-26 September 2019 under the auspices of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe).
The first seven conferences, held between 2005 to 2017, succeeded in attracting the most relevant experts from all over the world by providing an open platform for the presentation and discussion of new findings, information and data on hydrogen safety – from basic research to applied development and from good practice to standardization and regulatory issues.
Why South Australia?
South Australia has a natural endowment of sunshine and prevailing winds that have attracted substantial investment in renewable energy with nearly 50% of supply now provided by this segment. Hydrogen is beginning to play a greater role in the transition to clean, safe and sustainable energy systems for energy storage and transport regionally and globally.
The South Australian Government, transport and energy industry leaders and research institutions recognize the emerging opportunity in the coming decade to accelerate the transition to a hydrogen economy and the importance of developing safe methods and appropriate regulatory frameworks to facilitate the transition.
Conference themes and topics
The conference organizational teams seek papers in a wide range of hydrogen safety topics like (but not limited to) safety of large production and supply chain infrastructure, hydrogen and hydrogen carrier behaviours, physical effects, consequence and risk analysis, incidents, accidents and near misses, hydrogen effects on materials and components, safety of energy storage, power to gas/gas to power related safety issues, safety solutions for the implementation of hydrogen technologies, risk management, best practices, regulations, codes and standards as well as communication strategies. An even more detailed list of ICHS 2019 Themes and Topics is available here.
All contributions to ICHS 2019 will be evaluated exclusively in the light of their scientific content and relevance to hydrogen safety.