RPW 2014, Washington

Following the good example of the first workshop held in Berlin 2012 the Research Committee of IA HySafe organised the second Research Priorities Workshop November 10-11, 2014 in Washington DC, USA.

The main idea of the Workshop was again to bring together stakeholders who can address the existing knowledge gaps in the area of the hydrogen safety, including identification and prioritization of such gaps from the standpoint of scientific knowledge, both experimental and theoretical as well as numerical. The outcome of the first workshop was used as a reference point, such that in most topics an incremental update could be done.

The report of the workshop SAND2016-2644 published by Sandia and a presentation of the priorities may be downloaded here:


The workshop agenda was structured along the following key topics, sessions respectively. All presentations are directly available for download.

Welcome and Opening Remarks (Andrei Tchouvelev MC)

Software Tools – Integration Platforms

QRA Tools

Reduced Model Tools

Priorities and Gaps Discussion (Thomas Jordan)

California Station Rollout (Tyson Eckerle (via Webex) / Jennifer Hamilton)

Indoor Scenarios

Unintended Release – Gas phase

Unintended Release – Liquid phase


Hydrogen Safety Learnings and Training


(Country) Safety Programs

Materials Compatibility / Sensors