With more than 700 hydrogen events – accidents, incidents and near misses – collected in a database, HIAD was one of the main results of the NoE HySafe (2004-2009) and still represents one of the largest collections for hydrogen specific data.
With support of the FCH 2 JU and the Clean Hydrogen JU JRC has regularly maintained, populated and upgraded the database.
The hydrogen incidents database HIAD is now available as an EXCEL file. Version HIAD 2.1 can be downloaded from https://minerva.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/shorturl/capri/hiadpt . There you can also access an interactive tool providing data visualisation and user-customised analytical functions (still in a beta version). A feedback would be highly appreciated, to be sent to the two address below.
For all questions related to HIAD, as well as for providing new entries, please contact JRC-PTT-H2SAFETY@ec.europa.eu and Pietro.MORETTO@ec.europa.eu
Analyses and further details can be found in these publications: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360319922012976 and https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135423000686