The 9th annual General Assembly of the HySafe members was held in at the Institute for Energy and Transport of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission near Petten (North Holland, The Netherlands) on September 28.
The HySafe members approved the report of the board about what HySafe did since the last meeting which was held in Tokyo in 2015 as well as the reports of the various committee chairs (Dissemination & PR, Industrial Relations, Conference, Research).
An additional committee on Education was created. Prov. Vladimir Molkov (University of Ulster) was elected as chairman. The chairmen for Dissemination & PR (Ulrich Schmidtchen), Industrial Relations (Akiteru Maruta), and Research (Jay Keller) were re-elected.
The assembly also appointed Andrei Tchouvelev, HySafe president until last year, as honorary member of the association.
The next General Assembly will be held next year in Hamburg in conjunction with the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety from September 11 to 13, 2017.