The 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference was held in Zaragoza (Spain) from June 13 to 16. A number of presentations had hydrogen safety as topic, but this was not the focus of the conference. HySafe therefore found it useful to arrange a session of its own about this.
HySafe president Thomas Jordan gave a brief overview about HySafe in general and also about the state of the art in Germany. Vice president Hervé Barthélémy brought the listeners up to date on the matters in France and also on standardization as far as it happens in CEN TC 268 WG 5.
The main hydrogen standards body in the world is ISO TC 197; Andrei Tchouvelev, chairman of the committee, presented the current work. He spoke also as chairman of the safety chapter of IAHE.
Also on the program were updates on the situation concerning hydrogen safety in Spain and the UK.
This was the fourth sequential edition of such a “Special Session on International Standardisation and Hydrogen Safety” which originated at WHTC2013 in Shanghai, China and successfully continued at WHEC2014 in Gwangju, Korea and WHTC2015 in Sydney, Australia. This time the focus was on Europe.
It became apparent that the close interaction between research, standards, regulations, and practical use is a key factor to let hydrogen remain a safe energy carrier. HySafe will continue to be a switchboard for information and communication for the field.
So at the end of the session HySafe president Thomas Jordan had every reason to be satisfied.