On October 16-17, 2012, by the IA HySafe in the framework of its Research Committee activity and in cooperation with JRC IET Petten, a two-day workshop dedicated to Hydrogen Safety Research Priorities was held. The workshop was organized back-to-back with IA HySafe General Assembly (October 15, 2012) and was hosted by BAM in Berlin, Germany.
The main idea of the Workshop was to bring together stakeholders who can address the existing knowledge gaps in the area of the hydrogen safety, including identification and prioritization of such gaps from the standpoint of scientific knowledge, both experimental and theoretical as well as numerical.
The experience highlighting these gaps which was obtained during both practical applications (industry) and risk assessment should serve as reference point for further analysis.
The Workshop, which is essentially a meeting between scientists and industry representatives, included 16 invited lectures covering different aspects of the contemporary status in industrial and research demands.
The program logically included two sections:
- knowledge gaps as they are addressed by industry
- knowledge gaps and state-of-the-art by research.
The presentations are available for download:
- DeVaal – Smarter Solutions for a Clean Energy Future
- Ruban – Knowledge Gaps Industry Perspectives
- Kirchner – Hydrogen Activities of TOTAL Germany
- Oyama and Kamiya – Commercialization Barriers and Issues for Large Scale Hydrogen Infrastructures
- Jordan – Transferring Scientific Results into Engineering Correlations
- LaChance – Information Needed to Support Hydrogen Codes and Standards
- Hooker – Hydrogen Ignition and Light up Probabilities Part 1
- Hooker – Hydrogen Ignition and Light up Probabilities Part 2
- Baraldi-Onboard-Compressed-Hydrogen-Storage-Fast-Filling
- Paraschivoiu – Simulation of Hydrogen Release from Reservoirs with Irregular and Variable Openings
- Baraldi-Notional-Nozzle-Models-for-Hydrogen-Releases-from-High-Pressure-Systems
- Middha – Release and Dispersion Perspectives from GexCon
- Kessler Kinetics of AlH3 decomposition and subsequent Al oxidation Hydrogen Jetfires
- Kotchourko – Recent advances and knowledge gaps in hydrogen combustion
- Vaagsaether – DDT and Detonations – knowledge gaps
- Molkov – Progress and gaps in hydrogen safety science and engineering
- Ekoto – R&D Needs for Reduced Order H2 Release and Ignition Behavior Models – The SNL Perspective
The workshop achieved its objective and was a success and brought significant value to its participants and organizers. Next key step, as was discussed and agreed upon by the workshop participants, is the preparation of a comprehensive report that would serve as a guidance document for decision making authorities for funding of pre-normative research in hydrogen safety globally. The report itself then may serve as a platform for a topical lecture at the ICHS in Brussels, while thematically clustered presentations and discussions at the workshop will form foundation for contributed papers to ICHS2013 with their consecutive publication in one of the HySafe special issues of IJHE.