The World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC) 2014 will be opened tomorrow, June 16, in Gwangju, South Korea. This is the biggest and most important scientific conference on hydrogen energy in the world.
While hydrogen safety will also be an important topic of the official conference program HySafe used the occasion to highlight the connection between hydrogen safety and international standardization, with a special focus on Asia.
The session was opened by Andrej Tchouvelev, who is not only the president of HySafe but also the chairman of ISO TC 197 “Hydrogen Technologies” and who can thus discuss the topic from both sides. He gave a few remarks on safety generally, on HySafe and the work of ISO TC 197.
The focus on Asia was emphasized by the three other speakers from China, Japan, and South Korea, who presented the state of the field in their countries and what problems they have to overcome respectively if they want for example to get an approval for a hydrogen refilling station. Obstacles are still numerous, but the experts who attended got the impression that things are moving in the right direction, even if the movement might be a bit faster.
Please find here the presentations as PDF files:
Tchouvelev: Introduction to HySafe
Tchouvelev: ISO TC 197
Tchouvelev: Safety and Risk and Hydrogen Properties
Mao: Development of National Standards on Hydrogen Energy Technology in China
Miyashita: Update on Regulation Review for HRS Construction and Operations in Japan
Lee: Status of Hydrogen Energy in Korea; Lee Part 1, Lee Part 2