A safety training for professionals was held on October 17 in Berlin by HySafe. The training, held on the premises of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, gave an overview of the safety matters associated with hydrogen handling and dealt with a number of topics in detail.
Speakers were HySafe president Andrei Tchouvelev as well as Hervé Barthélémy and Ulrich Schmidtchen, members of the HySafe board as chairmen for industry relations and PR, respectively.
The 14 participants had also the opportunity to look at a hydrogen laboratory and to study the various measures for explosion protection and other safety installed there.
While HySafe has already organized basic safety courses at various occasions this was a first step towards a higher level aiming at professionals. Based on the feedback from the participants the association will improve the offers of this kind of event in order to make it still more attractive. Announcements when and where more trainings will be held will be published here on this website in due time.