HySafe was organizing a two-day workshop dedicated to Hydrogen Safety Research Priorities on September 26-27, 2016 in the framework of its Research Committee activities in cooperation with the Joint Research Center Institute for Energy and Transport (JRC IET) and the US DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office, Safety Codes and Standards Program (FCTO SCS). The workshop was organized back-to-back with the HySafe General Assembly (September 28, 2016) and was hosted by JRC in Petten, Netherlands.
The focus of the workshop was to identify and prioritize existing knowledge gaps. The workshop addressed such gaps from the standpoint of scientific knowledge, experimental, theoretical, and numerical from the standpoint of industry. As with the previous workshops, the results from this workshop are intended to help coordinate research, guide research directions and supply funding agencies with a list of prioritized work topics.
The workshop is based on the results of the previous workshops and PIRT excercises of HySafe. However, the format of this workshop was slightly different as each session was a panel discussion with a Chair and several Panelists. The sessions have yielded an update on the following questions related to hydrogen safety research:
- What has been done in the last three to four years (progress)?
- What is planned for near term research direction (working topics)?
- What are the needs / gaps that need to be filled by future research (new directions)?
The final report and an associated presentation at the ICHS2017 are provided here for download: