Special Issue of the Int Joural H2 Energy with content from the 2nd ICHS

I’m happy to forward the received mail related the previous ICHS2 conference: Dear Dr. Marco Carcassi It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of “2nd International Conferecne on Hydrogen Safety” special issue for International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. The issue is now available electronically on ScienceDirect at …

Enero Workshop on Energy Risks

The workshop recently organised in Brussels was dedicated to the safety of renewable energy. Two presentations concentrated on hydrogen, see http://www.enero.eu/page.asp?id=126&langue=EN. The first given by C. Proust from INERIS showed some interesting results of experiments with type 4 vessels. The other presentation given by T. Jordan KIT showed the results and …

LACOMECO – 1st Call for Proposals

Dear Colleagues and interested parties, the LACOMECO project was  positively evaluated and accepted by the European Commission. As already announced at different meetings, the  principle objective of the LACOMECO project at KIT is to provide research  institutions from the EU Member Countries (except Germany) and Associated States  access to four …

3rd ENERO Scientific Workshop on “Risk Assessment and Management of Strategic Energy Technologies”

There are several contributions to this workshop by HySafe partners. In the afternoon IA HySafe is presented and a presentation of C. Proust on hydrogen hazards is included. The workshop is organised in Brussels UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION, rue d’ Egmontstraat 11, on 5 March 2010, 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. If you want to participate send a short …

BMW continues to support hydrogen energy!

Last Dcember there had been rumours BMW would stop supporting hydrogen based on a misunderstanding of an interview with the research director. BMW immediatly corrected this and declared that there is no stop in supporting hydrogen as a vehicle fuel. Development of associated technologies is ongoing and the related partnerships are maintained. …